Friday, May 6, 2011

About the Multi-Faith Prayer Shawl Ministry

What is a prayer shawl?
A prayer shawl is a knitted, crocheted, sewn, or woven shawl that has been made in a meditative gesture, prayed and blessed with the intention of providing healing and comfort to a person in need.  This person may be going through any number of emotional traumas related to loss of a loved one, illness, injury, divorce, etc.

Who is involved?
Anyone who chooses to knit, crochet, sew, or weave can be involved.  You do not need to be a member of a specific faith or belief system to make a prayer shawl.  You may or may not know the person who the shawl is for when you start to make it or you may have the intention of making it for one person and it goes to another.

While this is strictly a non-profit venture money and time is put forth by volunteers to make these wonderful shawls.  If you feel the need you are welcome to donate in order to facilitate the production and dispensal of shawls (yarn for future shawls, money to help with purchase of yarn and shipping costs, or a made shawl!)

Contact Information:
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, wish to participate or make a request for a shawl please contact:

Rev. Naware Danaus, RMT of PhoenixFlame Healing Center
(804) 396-2867

    Or one of our other volunteers:

    *No volunteers at present*


    Prayer Shawl Recipients List - May 2011

    This is a current list of recipients that have been "nominated" to receive a prayer shawl for one reason or another.  This list will be ever evolving and will be updated each month on the first.  If you would like to enter someone onto this list please contact us.  If you would like to include a reason why (divorce, death of a loved one, etc), this may help in choosing materials for shawls, feel free but this is not required.

    Another advent of this list is that recipients will be marked with whether they have on in progress (this information will be anonymous) so that those wishing to make one can choose someone in need.  While it is perfectly fine for more than one shawl to be made for a given person we encourage people to make one for someone who does not have one currently in progress to provide for the most people possible.

    • Nicole Lendman
    • Cindy Ramsey
    • Lori Rock
    • Dondra DeMichele
    • Judy McNease
    • Krystal Hobeck
    • Robing Young
    • Angel Jackson
    • Sara Thompson
    • Sarah Lawhon
    • Nicole Mayer-Young


    Prayer Shawl Participants...

    We're gathering our list for participants for this project.  If you would like to be a part of this project and donate to our cause please contact us!

    We'll need the following:

    • Name
    • email
    • Address
    • Whether you knit, crochet, or both
    When we've entered you into our roster you'll receive an email from us confirming your name and information.  In the event that anything changes it will be up to you to let us know, just as your level of participation is entirely up to you.